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Our Frankston Sunday Sermons are streamed live each week. Previous sermons can be found on Youtube along with the catalogue below.

Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

Make Your Life Count

You know it's possible to live your life so busy and so invested in what you're doing that you miss the most important things. What's God challenging you right now, He is saying there's something greater in you, that you can construct something that changes lives and impacts people for eternity. Don't stay safe, give it a go, dare to risk failure, say God what would you have me do, I don't know at all and I don't know if this is even going to work the way I want it but I'm going to give it my best shot, I'm going to try to let my life be something of value that builds your house. Surrender it to God and make it holy in His presence for His glory, for His pleasure and let it flow to others.

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Frankston Kathleen Frankston Kathleen

What’s Your Excuse?

Church, what are those things in your past that are holding you back? What are those things that you've said, God, I just don't think you can use me in this. But this is the thing our God can. And when we step into a relationship with Jesus, the Bible tells us we are new. We are transformed into the new. The old is gone. The incredible thing is Jesus has a hope and a future for us. We get to walk out in that. We get to step into the purpose and call of our life in freedom because of what Jesus has done.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

What's So Precious About The Blood Of Jesus?

Pastor Adrian shows us why we talk about the blood of Jesus. Jesus shed His blood when He was crucified on the cross. His blood poured out and it was given as a sacrifice. His blood poured out as a sacrifice so that we could be saved, so that we could be forgiven of our sin, so that we could be changed and transformed. There's power in the blood, there's preciousness in His blood. What's so precious about the blood of Jesus for your life? How can I live within that truth? Not just take it for granted and keep it aside. How can I apply it to my life every day?

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Frankston Michael Henderson Frankston Michael Henderson

From Burdens To Breakthrough

We're going to look at one particular guy in the Bible named Naaman, who is as distant from God as they come. And he comes, he meets God, and he receives a breakthrough for this major burden that he has in life.We're going to read through his entire story and talk about what are some of the ways that we can learn from Naaman and really apply it to our life.

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Frankston Fua Tupai Frankston Fua Tupai

Giving Birth To Your Blessing

Today Pastor Fua explains how Hannah used her blessing from God to change the world around her. Today we are challenged with is your dream for the blessings God has for you greater than your family and anything else in your life?

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Frankston Narelle Dennien Frankston Narelle Dennien

What’s In Your Tool Kit?

Pastor Narelle emphasizes the importance of recognizing and using spiritual gifts, comparing them to tools needed for a thriving garden. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 12, she encourages everyone to embrace their unique gifts, reminding them that each person plays an essential role in the church. She urges the congregation to overcome insecurity and serve others, fostering unity and fulfilling God's purpose.

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Frankston Michael Henderson Frankston Michael Henderson

Keep The Fire Alive

I really come here this morning to say to you that God feels your hurt, God feels your pain, and whatever tears you've cried, I guarantee that God has mourned those things 10 times over what you have, because His heart breaks for the sin that we have to deal with, the problems that we're dealing with, because He is a loving God, He is a good God. But we can either have two options, right? We can stay where we are, or we can pick ourselves up like Timothy did, and fan into flames the fire of God that is within us.

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Frankston Matt Heins Frankston Matt Heins

The Signs of Answered Prayer

Pastor Matt discusses the signs of answered prayer. Are you confident that God is the God over your circumstance? The greatest strength, that greatest thing that you can believe for, is that the purpose of God in your situation right now, it is the thing that will stand the test of time.

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Frankston Matt Heins Frankston Matt Heins

Presence on Peninsula 2024 saturday Night

On Friday night of Presence on Peninsula 2024 Pastor Matt explains how God's presence increases our capacity to big things. With a heart to challenge you to increase your faith, to be people of great faith. Faith that steps into God's presence effortlessly.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

I see a storm coming Part 1

Today’s sermon is split into two videos. Pastor Adrian discusses how God brings breakthrough in our lives and what we need to do to see it come to pass. It starts with a seed but ends with a storm. Like Elijah you may feel like you are living in a drought, a lack of God’s presence, but know that a breakthrough is coming!

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

I see a storm coming Part 2

Today’s sermon is split into two videos. Pastor Adrian discusses how God brings breakthrough in our lives and what we need to do to see it come to pass. It starts with a seed but ends with a storm. Like Elijah you may feel like you are living in a drought, a lack of God’s presence, but know that a breakthrough is coming!

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Frankston Fua Tupai Frankston Fua Tupai

Frantic or Fulfilled

Do we live a frantic or a fulfilled life? Pastor Fua reflects on Luke 2:42-49 where Jesus even as a a 12 year boy shows us how to live a purposeful and intentional life in Gods house. Jesus shows us how to live a life of passion for God, a life where we can stop searching for fulfillment but rather seek it.

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Frankston Fua Tupai Frankston Fua Tupai

You Are The Light

You were created to be the light to the world. Pastor Fua challenges us on are we walking in the light. What does that look like? How do we? How does it change us and how do we reflect God’s love and glory in this world today?

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

Who's Your King

Pastor Adrian asks the question who's your king? We all serve a king, whether we know it or not it defines our actions. What rules over us, is it someone, something? We can be christians and still not truly have Jesus as King of our lives.

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