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Our Frankston Sunday Sermons are streamed live each week. Previous sermons can be found on Youtube along with the catalogue below.

Frankston Fua Tupai Frankston Fua Tupai

From Blind To Ablaze

The story of Bartimaeus demonstrates how bold faith can transform lives through persistent pursuit of Jesus despite opposition. By throwing off his beggar's cloak and immediately responding to Jesus' call, Bartimaeus teaches us about seizing divine moments without hesitation. His transformation went beyond physical healing - he chose to follow Jesus, embracing a completely new identity and purpose. This powerful example shows how we can move past shame and limitations to step into God's greater calling for our lives.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

Don’t Kick Against Your Call

Every person has a divine calling that extends beyond church ministry into all areas of life. This purpose unfolds through four key stages: receiving a personal revelation of Jesus Christ, experiencing divine empowerment through the Holy Spirit, undergoing character transformation, and ultimately impacting generations. Like the Apostle Paul, fulfilling this calling requires patience through preparation, overcoming fears, and maintaining focus on God's bigger picture rather than immediate circumstances.

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Frankston Michael Henderson Frankston Michael Henderson

Paradoxes Of Purpose

God's ways often appear paradoxical to human logic, yet understanding these divine paradoxes is essential for discovering our true purpose. Through principles like 'the first shall be last,' 'victory through surrender,' and 'strength in weakness,' we learn that God's power operates contrary to worldly wisdom. By embracing these paradoxes and allowing ourselves to be transformed through Christ, we can step into our divine calling and produce fruit we never thought possible.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

Christ Before Comfort

Living a life of faith requires making intentional choices between personal comfort and following Christ's calling. By looking to past pioneers of faith, fixing our eyes on Jesus, and embracing God's fatherly love and discipline, we can stay focused on our divine purpose. This journey leads to healing from past hurts, renewed strength, and greater impact in others' lives. When we prioritize our relationship with Christ over comfort, we experience a deeper connection with God and fulfill our true purpose.

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Frankston Fua Tupai Frankston Fua Tupai

The Power of HIS Word

God's Word serves as the cornerstone for a life filled with genuine joy and lasting peace. When embraced, it transforms lives by replacing fear and anxiety with fruitfulness, and barrenness with growth. This divine transformation brings a deep joy that transcends circumstances and a peace that provides wholeness and harmony. As we navigate through 2025, making God's Word central in our lives leads to renewed purpose, spiritual growth, and the flourishing of new dreams and visions.

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Frankston Frank Frankston Frank

It’s Time To Invest

Life's direction is shaped by our daily choices and investments in key areas like relationships, physical health, mental wellbeing, and spiritual growth. Following biblical principles such as honoring parents, avoiding judgment of others, and the law of sowing and reaping guides us toward a blessed life. When we consistently invest in our relationship with Jesus and make choices aligned with His will, He multiplies our efforts beyond what we could achieve alone. Small acts of faithfulness, like the mustard seed, can produce an abundant harvest when we remain steadfast.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

Baptism Service Dec 2024

Baptism is a profound declaration of faith, symbolizing a believer's identification with Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. It marks a transformative journey from an old life of sin to a new life in Christ. Personal testimonies highlight the powerful changes and spiritual battles overcome through faith. Baptism is not just a ritual but a significant step in one's spiritual journey, encouraging us to live out their faith daily and support others in their walk with Jesus.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

4 Powerful Practices For Answered Prayer

Imagine a life where your prayers are consistently answered, bringing peace and clarity even in the most challenging times. The journey of Moses and the Israelites provides insightful lessons on how to cultivate a deeper connection with God and see your prayers answered. Ps. Adrian discusses four practical practices that can transform your prayer life.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

Hope When You're Hurting

Ps Adrian shows that we all go through times of pain and hurt but that God speaks into our situation with words of life. Listen to what God says about you and be transformed in both good times and bad.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

Make Your Life Count

You know it's possible to live your life so busy and so invested in what you're doing that you miss the most important things. What's God challenging you right now, He is saying there's something greater in you, that you can construct something that changes lives and impacts people for eternity. Don't stay safe, give it a go, dare to risk failure, say God what would you have me do, I don't know at all and I don't know if this is even going to work the way I want it but I'm going to give it my best shot, I'm going to try to let my life be something of value that builds your house. Surrender it to God and make it holy in His presence for His glory, for His pleasure and let it flow to others.

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Frankston Kathleen Frankston Kathleen

What’s Your Excuse?

Church, what are those things in your past that are holding you back? What are those things that you've said, God, I just don't think you can use me in this. But this is the thing our God can. And when we step into a relationship with Jesus, the Bible tells us we are new. We are transformed into the new. The old is gone. The incredible thing is Jesus has a hope and a future for us. We get to walk out in that. We get to step into the purpose and call of our life in freedom because of what Jesus has done.

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Frankston Adrian Dennien Frankston Adrian Dennien

What's So Precious About The Blood Of Jesus?

Pastor Adrian shows us why we talk about the blood of Jesus. Jesus shed His blood when He was crucified on the cross. His blood poured out and it was given as a sacrifice. His blood poured out as a sacrifice so that we could be saved, so that we could be forgiven of our sin, so that we could be changed and transformed. There's power in the blood, there's preciousness in His blood. What's so precious about the blood of Jesus for your life? How can I live within that truth? Not just take it for granted and keep it aside. How can I apply it to my life every day?

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Frankston Michael Henderson Frankston Michael Henderson

From Burdens To Breakthrough

We're going to look at one particular guy in the Bible named Naaman, who is as distant from God as they come. And he comes, he meets God, and he receives a breakthrough for this major burden that he has in life.We're going to read through his entire story and talk about what are some of the ways that we can learn from Naaman and really apply it to our life.

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Frankston Fua Tupai Frankston Fua Tupai

Giving Birth To Your Blessing

Today Pastor Fua explains how Hannah used her blessing from God to change the world around her. Today we are challenged with is your dream for the blessings God has for you greater than your family and anything else in your life?

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