I see a storm coming Part 2


Today’s sermon is split in to two videos. This is the second half of the sermon where Pastor Adrian discusses how to seek God’s word into your life. What does that look like, what do you do you implement God word into your life. Like Elijah you may feal like you are living in a drought, a lack of God’s presence but know a storm is coming. (RW)


Yes, I want to bless you. I want to protect you. But you know what? The dream, the word, the seed I give you will be for others. It'll be seeing them blessed and even beyond your life, it'll be for eternity. It won't be for the here and now. I'm not talking about God saying, "I want to give you a Ferrari one day and that's my dream. Oh, and you're going to be able to speed down the highways of Germany at whatever speed you want on the autobahn, 300K an hour, and you are going to be living the life that you've always dreamed." All right, Narelle, no, that will not be happening to you. I will not, we will not be getting a Ferrari ever. I'll never say never, right, but that's okay. Now, what's the point of that dream? Now, if God gave you a dream for that and goes, "Oh, you're going to make these connections and through that connection, this person's going to get saved and that person and this is going to happen," that might be a God dream. But if it's about you and just you being blessed, I go, "Often, they're not God." God's seeds, the God seed, is about living a life beyond yourself. If God gives you a dream, God gave me a dream when I was a kid and he gave me a seed when I was a kid in his word, and I felt God say, "Adrian, I'm going to call you to speak my word to others," and he put it in my heart, saying, "You're going to preach the word, you're going to show." It wasn't about Adrian, you're going to be on a stage and people are going to go, "Wow, this is amazing." It would God that God never said that. Do you know what that seed in my heart was? That he said, "This is going to happen." It was about, "I want you, I want my people to be blessed, I want their lives, I want them to be on fire for me, Adrian. I want you to speak that out and make a difference in others' lives. Let me use you for that. Will you?" And that was a seed planted in my heart that I had to believe. And sometimes, like, "How's that going to come to pass, God? What is that going to be?" But it was a seed because it wasn't about me. See, the seed God gives you won't be about you, it'll be about others, and it will seem like it's impossible in the natural, it'll seem like it's a challenge.

What seed have you got from God? And I want to tell you this, some of you say, "Well, I don't know, Adrian. I don't know what seed." I go, "Let, let if God gives me a seed, if he gave Elijah a seed of his word, if he gave the apostles, if he gives other great men and women of God in history and around us words, he wants to give you a seed. Because the truth is, God, you got to believe this, some of you don't believe this. God doesn't have favorites. He doesn't. He doesn't. The world has favorites, people have favorites, society, Facebook has favorites, Instagram has favorites. How many likes did they get? Well, they're the favorite. Who cares? God doesn't care. He doesn't care if you've never even been. He doesn't care if you don't know how to use a computer. He doesn't care if you got the worst fashion sense in history. He doesn't care if you don't speak English. Yeah, he doesn't care if you're young, old, or in between. He doesn't care. We know that. But do you believe that? Because if you truly believe that, then you will know that he has a seed that he wants to speak into your life. And you say, "Well, I don't know. I don't have that specific seed." Well, guess what? You have the whole word of God. You have the promises of God. You've already grabbed a hold of one of them, which is Jesus Christ came to die for you. That's a seed you grabbed a hold of. You have a seed. You want to seed some of you are worrying about your future, worrying about tomorrow, worrying about how you're going to get through and pay your bills and all this kind of thing. Well, Jesus has a seed for you. Guess what? He said, "Do not worry about tomorrow." That's a seed for you. Right now, I need a reminder. No, you just need the word. I don't know what to do. Well, the Lord has something to do. Put your trust in Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Some of us, we're going to and fro, worrying about this, worrying about that. Get a seed. You want to break the drought. Get a seed 'cause some of us are listening to the wrong voice, listening to the voice of the world, the voice in here. It's a carnal voice. It's a voice that wants to drag you down. It's a voice that wants you to compare yourself.

The seed of God's word will lift you up. It will not drag you down. It'll lift you up and it'll speak things of you, of your life, and who you are that no one else even knows. I have to deal with this all the time because I get up in front of people and I'm good at comparing myself. I'm a competitive person. I want always want more, always want more, and the more I compare, the more I look, the more I listen to my own voice, the more depressed I get 'cause the world's success only lasts for an instant 'cause you know what? It doesn't matter how successful you are, there's always more, there's always an area you haven't been successful in. And if I listen to that voice, that's just stress and pressure and "Oh, you're not that good, mate." And you know what? I have to constantly do my whole life. I have to go back to what the Lord said to me. What is the seed of His word? I'm a Son of God. Here's another seed for you. You're a son and daughter of the most high God. Are you living out of that word?

I'm telling you, see the look at this, there's seeds scattered, there's seeds. See, the Lord's reminding some of you right now, there are seeds I've scattered. Are you going to let them flow, just die on the pavement or sit on hard ground? Some of us, we're not listening to the seed and we're living with all the other seeds and the rubbish and it's growing weeds. My brothers and sisters, there are weeds growing and the devil wants that. He wants to destroy you with the weeds. But God has a seed that will lift you up and speak truth and life over your life and not just your life.

Parents, listen to me. He's got words to speak over your life that will change your kids. They will change your family. Come on, I need some parents in this place and watching online to rise up and be the mighty men and women of God, the mighty parents He's called you to be. That when your kids are struggling, you don't go, "I don't know what to do," but the seed of God's word grabs a hold of you and says, "Come on, greater is He that's in you to your child than he that's in the world. Stand up and be strong." All right, there you go, that's the first one. Settle down, it's exciting though. I love it 'cause I'm stirring myself.

2. Seek after God

I hear a mighty rainstorm coming. So Ahab went to eat and drink. So what do you do when you got the seed? Well, I'm just going to go have something to eat now. I'm going to go relax. Uh-uh. Ahab went to eat and drink, but Elijah, who had the seed and truly believed it, climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and he bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees. You get the seed and then you got to seek. You got to seek God for the promise. Seek the promise. You got to seek after God. You want to wonder why the seed dries up and doesn't bear fruit? Because we don't go and seek. We don't go and water it. I'm telling you, brothers and sisters, we all have seeds. Every person in this room, every person watching, God has called you to be a mighty man and woman of God, a mighty man and woman of faith. That is the truth. I don't care what your personality is. I don't care what your history is. I don't care what you've gone through. You are called to rise up and be a mighty warrior in the kingdom of God. But if you don't go and seek, the seed will dry up and the weeds will grow. And see, Elijah, he got that seed and he just didn't sit there. He went and he got to the top of the mountain and he put his face down between his knees and he went and sought God because he knew God was going to bring it to pass. But I want to tell you, it's in the seeking that you are changed. It's in the seeking. Some of us, God has already blessed you. God's already been doing things in your life. But because we haven't sought Him, we don't even know that it's God and so we're living carnal lives. God's doing good things. Look, some of us have got beautiful families. We got kids that we're so, we go, "Oh, thank you, Lord. What a blessing." But if we don't go to God and seek after Him, we don't even realize that that blessing's from Him and we stay in drought because we don't even realize that the rain has come. I want to tell you, when you seek after God, you start to realize the things God's doing. You start to see deeper. When you seek after God, God changes you in here. He does something in you and yes, He uses your seeking to bring to pass the very thing He promised.

Elijah goes and he seeks after God and then he starts looking for the, he goes to his servant. I'm in the middle of praying. I'm seeking God. Goes to his servant, "Go look out to the sea. What are you looking for?" "I'm looking for the signs that the rain's coming because God gave me a promise. God gave me a seed and now I'm going to seek Him for it." And how long are you going to seek Him? How long are you going to seek? Some of us sought God. Some of us had a dream and we stepped out once and got slammed in our face. The door got slammed shut. Someone discouraged us. Something failed. Went, "Ah, that's it." Resilience, my friends. Perseverance, my friends. How long are you going to seek God? Because every single seed that you have, there will be times when it feels like the seed's bearing no fruit, the drought's still there, the thing hasn't happened. And God wants to speak. If the seed is real, if you truly trust me, you'll keep on seeking. You'll keep on seeking. You'll keep on believing. Yes, through your discouragement. I've been discouraged so many times. I still get discouraged. "Oh, God, when's that going to come to pass? I got dreams. I got some seeds in here. They haven't happened yet." And then God grabs a hold of me when I go to seek Him and He says, "You're going to give up." And I watch too many Christians give up because they stop seeking too. It's okay to be discouraged sometimes. It's okay. You don't have to be the mighty man or woman of faith every moment. Elijah wasn't. Elijah went through times when he asked God to take his life because it was all too much. But he didn't give up. He kept speaking to God and he kept seeking. And this time, he said, "I'm going to keep seeking." He went back seven times. Seven times he went back. Seven times. "How many times do you seek God?" Someone said last night, "Seven." Now, it was only seven times 'cause that's when he saw the cloud. Still no cloud. "I'll keep seeking." How many times would have been 20 times? 30 times? How many times? I want to ask you, how many times are you going to keep believing? Keep seeking.

I told you some of this. Some of you know this. My Dad used to be a pastor. And when I was about five years of age, he had a bit of a breakdown and gave up on ministry and gave up on a bunch of things. And over time, he just backed slid right away from God. And by the time I was a 10, 11-year-old kid, he didn't go to church, didn't want to a bar of church. My parents' marriage was in deep trouble. And mom still brought us along to church, and I was growing up in children's church. I remember getting water baptized one night. Before I did, the kids' team came and they took me aside to pray for me to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. They said, "Adrian, what's the most important thing you'd like to pray for?" I remember saying, "I still remember it. I was in this little room with someone else. There were two leaders and two of us kids there. I looked up and said, 'For my dad to give his life back to Jesus.' I think I was 11 years old. I prayed and I remember crying, praying, saying that. I realized, because it made me cry, that out of everything I wanted in life, I just wanted my dad to find Jesus again. So we prayed and we prayed, and he didn't come back to God. In fact, it got worse, and my parents ended up getting divorced. He didn't want anything. By the time I was 18, I wanted to go to Bible College, and I told my dad, 'Dad, I feel like God's calling me to Bible College.' He said, 'Why would you want to do that? Don't waste your life.' I remember saying, 'God, if you want me to go to Bible College, you got to change my dad's heart.' And he did. He softened and said, 'Adrian, I need to let you do what you want to do.' So I did go to Bible College, and still nothing happened. Dad went off and lived his life way away from God. He was reading books on Buddhism and all this stuff and just not even interested at all. I tried, and in the end, you know what? I got to the point where I just went, 'You know what, God? I've been believing this for 20 odd years, and my dad's no closer to you. You know what? It's not my problem. I'm getting on with my life.' And you know what? If he doesn't give his life to you, then I can't keep dwelling on it. So I basically went to give up. Said, 'Don't need.' Who knows that? Yeah, come on, we've all been tempted. So have I, in many areas, but this is one I'm not going to even believe anymore. God, I'm not even going to pray for this because it's too painful, you know? And then I'll try and tell my dad, and he doesn't want to hear it. So then I don't want to Bible bash him, so I'm just backing off and forgetting about it. And so I did for a season. Then one day, I was praying, and the Lord challenged my heart. I remember he brought my dad back and said, 'Adrian, he reminded me of when I was a kid and the heart I had.' He goes, 'Adrian, do you want to see your dad come back to me?' I remember he grabbed a hold, and I was like, 'Yes, God, I do. I really do.' And I felt the Lord challenge my heart and say, 'Well, will you believe again? Will you believe again? Will you let me use you if I want to?' I remember in prayer just myself with God, I said, 'Okay, God, yes, I will. I started believing again, and you know what? God did. I was in my 30s by this stage, and God put my dad on my heart. One time, I was going over to meet him in Adelaide, and he said, 'Adrian, I want you to speak to him about his relationship with me.' I was like, 'This is awkward. It's my dad. This is weird. It's two blokes. We haven't talked about spiritual things for a long time.' I was like, 'I'm the son. It's not my job. He should have been the one doing that with me.' But God put it on my heart, and so I went there and I sat down with my dad one night. It was real awkward. In my heart, I just went, 'Hey, Dad, how's your relationship with Jesus going?' I was like, 'This could really go awkward.' You know what? He sat there and he looked at me and said, 'You might be surprised, Adrian.' Then he opened up about the fact that he's a bit more open than I thought. Then God put something on my heart about my dad. He gave me a word of knowledge about his life and how he was feeling, and I shared that with my dad. I said, 'This is how you've been feeling. This is what I think.' He looked at me and he goes, 'You're spot on. That's exactly how I feel.' So we talked for about half an hour, and it was real open. I could sense even, you know, it was a very emotional time, very open time. Then we finished it up, and he didn't go through the sinners's prayer or anything like that, but we just had this chat. Then I went back to Adelaide. We didn't talk about it. I came back to Melbourne, and then my dad messaged me one time or called me and he said, 'Adrian, you'll never know what that conversation meant to me.' He said it to me multiple times. He goes, 'You'll never know what that come.' He goes, 'And I want you to know, he goes, 'I've come back to God.' That was in my 30s about 10 years ago, and God showed me a lesson from that, and I think it's a lesson for all of us. Keep seeking. If God's given you a seed, you know why? Because I knew God wanted to bring my dad back. Some of you got family members, you got spouses, you got partners, you got children, you got grandchildren, and you are believing with all your heart, and it looks like it's impossible, and you want to give up and just protect yourself. So I can't do it, but God says, if I'll put a seed in your heart, and yes, you're not in control of everything, but guess who is? God. If he's put a seed, keep on seeking.

I want to ask you, what is God calling you to keep seeking him for? Some of us have given up. Some of us have gotten slapped. Can I tell you, brothers and sisters, we live in a world that is spiritually apathetic. You don't even realize how apathetic we are. I grew up. My Italian Grandma used to walk for two hours to go to a taring meeting, a prayer meeting during the middle of the week with her two young daughters. Well, they walk one way, and then someone would drive them home because it was dark in the middle of the week. Go to a taring meeting, a prayer meeting to seek God. They didn't have a big plan. It wasn't for a conference. It was just to go to the meeting and pray. You think about our lives. How much time are we spending saying, 'God, I put you first. I seek you.' I want to tell you, my friends, do not rip yourself off. I beg you. I pray. I ask of you, will you please, please grab a hold of this for yourself? I can't do it for you. Your mom and dad can't do it for you. Your children can't do it for you. You have to grab a hold of God and say, 'Lord, I will seek you.' And I will go back. How many times do you go back? I'll go back again. God, I believe this promise. Some of you got to wake up the spiritual side of you and say, 'God, I'm believing this drought will end in this area, but I got to seek you, and it's painful and it's hard, but God will see you through. Get a seed. Seek him for the promise.'

3. Shout the Victory

And then the third thing is this. You got to shout the victory. Seven times Elijah told him to go and look. Finally, the seventh time, his servant told him, 'I saw a little cloud about the size of a man's hand rising from the sea.' Do you know what I love about the promises of God? Do you know what I love about the drought breaking in your life? It doesn't take much to see a breakthrough. It doesn't take much. Elijah's believing for the drought to break, and all he saw was a little cloud. But that was enough. That was enough. Come on. When faith is involved, when it's God, you don't need much. You just need a little sign. You keep believing. Because I want to tell you this. Faith is already here. You've already seen it in the natural. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Why did Elijah shout this? What I love, right? Seven times I saw a little cloud about the size of a man's hand rising from the sea. And the skeptics among us would go, 'Doesn't mean squat, mate.' That's someone's just like, 'It's a little bit of fog. Don't get too excited. Just settle down.' That's the skeptics, isn't it? The analysts among us. I'm one of those sometimes. It's like, 'Relax. God's going to break through.' Oh, look at this. So the church is growing. Just wait till next week. Let's see if it's real. But faith, see, why did Elijah shout? It says here, 'Then Elijah saw a little cloud, and then Elijah shouted.' I want to tell you this. Because when you see the evidence, you just need a tiny bit. But when faith is real, faith is the evidence of things not seen. Here's the truth. When God's planted a seed in you and you choose to seek after him for it, faith is already alive here. You've already seen that which is not already come to pass in the spiritual. Some of us need to get a hold of that and understand it. That's why you can be excited. You already have this as a Christian. We aren't in heaven yet. We aren't fully redeemed yet. We are fully redeemed, but we're still living in these bodies, living a life of sin. But faith tells me I've already been glorified with him. Now, if I get that in my heart, if I go and seek after God, I carry a joy that doesn't need to see that come to pass to live it already. Some of us have got to get that. And that's what Elijah had. I'm seeking you, God. I believe it with all my heart. I'm putting time aside. I'm making this serious. I'm believing for salvation. I'm believing for breakthrough. And when I see one little piece of evidence, I shout because it's already coming to pass. That which has already happened in the supernatural, in the spiritual, is happening in the natural. And that's when I declare it for all to see. That's faith.

And I want to tell you, I'm telling you, my brothers and sisters, I don't need you to be Pentecostal crazy, all right? We are Pentecostals, and we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, but we don't need to go overboard with hype. I'm not talking about hype. I'm talking about faith. You can be the quietest person. You can be an introvert. You can be a nice, conservative person, a nice, thoughtful, analytical person. But when faith is alive in your heart, when you've got a seed, when you have sought God, and then you see it start to come to pass, there is a shout that rises up. There is a declaration that rises up, and you say, 'There it is. There it is. It's happening. I believe it.' And you declare it. You shout the victory. And in shouting the victory, you're declaring something over your family, over your church, over others around you. You're declaring the goodness of God. Some of us, we get so cold. We don't want to shout. We don't want to get too out there because we don't want to be, 'Oh, I don't want to just be the boy who cried wolf and go, 'Oh, it's happening,' then it doesn't happen. 'Oh, it's happening.'

But Elijah saw a cloud, and before the rain came, he shouted. Why? Because the seed was real. Because he'd been seeking, and now he could shout. And some of us need to shout. I'm not talking about shouting literally. Sometimes you can. Margaret loves to shout in my household. In my household, I've brought Narelle into this beautiful thing. Nice, conservative Davis family. Quiet Narelle's come into the shouting household. We don't mean to shout. We just get loud. The Italian heritage, my daughter flows into that. We're loud. And then Narelle joins us. And sometimes, you know what? I said to someone this morning, I said, 'Narelle , she used to be real quiet. Now she gets loud.' And sometimes I'm sitting there going, 'Hey, honey, just tone it down.' Just tone it down a little bit. She's like, "What, you want me to tone it down?" I'm like, "Yes, honey, just relax. It's like this is the pot calling the kettle black here, buddy. But sometimes it's good to get excited, and there are times when you see the fruit, it's time to declare it. And I want to tell you, some of us, we're at different stages of this. We've got a seed. Some of us need to get a seed and remind ourselves what our seed is. Some of us need to say, "You know what? I'm going to get serious about seeking God and being real about that and persevering and not giving up after one or two or three times. I keep going till I see it." And some need to say, "You know what? God has been good to me. He's already done some things that I really wished he'd done, and I need to declare it and thank him for it and say, 'Lord, I give you honor and I give you praise and I declare and I glorify your name.' Come on, isn't there something beautiful about declaring the goodness of God? I was thinking about this this week, and I was reading this, and I thought, you know what? I get so caught up. I've been stressed the last couple of weeks just looking at all the things I want to fix, 'cause we got more things to do in our church, and I love our church, but oh, there's so much more to do. And I got to fix that. I got to fix that. I got to do this. Oh, God, that. And he gets stressed over all the things that haven't happened yet, haven't been done. And then in the midst of that, I went, "God, I haven't been shouting the victory that you have brought. You know, in our church, we just saw a few weeks ago, 30 people get water baptized. Is that beautiful? We had our men's event, a women's event. We saw people give their lives to Jesus for the first time. People's lives are being impacted. Youth Alive happened. Young people went and gave their lives to Christ. I thought about it in myself personally. I go, that's nice and all for the church, but you know what? In our own personal lives, I go, 15, almost 16 years ago, in September, Ella's birthday, our daughter's 28th of September is her birthday. Well, 16 years ago, God blessed us with a miracle daughter. We weren't supposed to be able to have a kid naturally. We got, Narelle got pregnant, and God spoke into my heart about our child, about the kind of person they were going to be, and they're going to be a shining light, and they're going to serve. And I've been praying that over her life ever since. And I thought about that. Oh, it's the storm coming bit of thunder, and I thought about that now, and I just went, you know what? I got a beautiful daughter. I got a daughter who, you know, she's doing really well in life and in schooling and thing, but you know what? I love even more. She loves Jesus. She's not the perfect kid, but she loves God. She's serving God in our church because she wants to. She's like, "Mom and Dad, I need to get to church." Like, "Yes, yes, sir, yes, ma'am." But I go, "God, I want to shout and declare that there's a child, and she's got a way to go, but you know what? She loves the Lord. She wants to serve God. She does devotions. We get them on our phone, and sometimes they're weird thoughts she has, but I'm like, she's growing. I go, "God, I thank you for that, 'cause that's a seed you gave us. That's the word you gave us, and we've been seeking you, and I got to shout and declare. Come on, what can you shout and declare that God's been good to you? Some of you got beautiful kids that you go, 'Oh, thank you, God, for my children.' They're not perfect, but they're God's gift to you. They are seed he's given you to speak into their lives. Some of you got, you've seen things happen, and God's given you jobs. He's given you relationships. He's given you a church family. He's put, he's given you a dream. He's spoken. You've had an encounter with God, and you've been believing. God, 'Oh, I want that.' And you've had one, and you go, 'Thank you, God.' Come on, be grateful. Be shout the victory. Elijah shouted. He shouted and he said, 'Hurry to Ahab and tell him, climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don't hurry, the rain will stop you. Come on, we got to get on with it. I told someone this week, they got to be patient, and I got to be patient, but sometimes you just got to get on with it. Hurry up, 'cause the rain is coming. I don't want to miss the rain. I don't want to be living my life, and I've missed the seed. I miss seeking. I miss shouting. I miss seeing it come to pass, 'cause I was too busy caught up in some issue of yesterday. I want to tell you, God wants to move in your life. God wants to bring a storm of refreshing in your life. Hurry up, get on with it. Yes, it takes time. We're going to keep seeking, but get into it and say, 'God, I'm going to put myself in a place where you can do what you want to do for my life, for my family, for the generations to come.

We're going to pray. We're going to pray. And yes, next week is an opportunity for that. Will you seek God with me? Will you get serious for your life? And parents, I've got you on my heart, because I want to tell you, the devil wants to rip you. He is trying to destroy families in our nation. He is in our schools, our young people. Parents, you need the fire of God. You need the refreshing of God. You can't do this yourself. God's looking. He's not looking for perfect parents. He's looking for parents who say, 'God, I need you. Will you speak to me for my kids?' Come on, he wants you to be an example. Some of us, we haven't been coming to church regularly, and I'm not trying to have a go at you. I know life gets busy, but I want to say, the devil loves that you get distracted. You, I got this, I got that, I got that. Parents, you need the Lord. And I want to promise you, 'cause I've watched in my own daughter, I am not perfect. She sees me. She tells me sometimes where I'm not perfect, corrects me. She knows my weaknesses, but I want to tell you what she does see is she sees a mom and dad who say, 'God, we need to put you, we need you, we need you, we need you, we need you.' And I want to tell you, if you will do that, your children will grow up to say, 'I need to make my own choice, but I saw parents who put God first and said, 'We need God.' And that will revolutionize their lives and their grandchildren's life. And whatever stage you're in in that, it is not too late to step up. And I talk to myself, it's not too late. For God needs us parents to step up and be the men and women of God has called us to be, because your kids are waiting on you. And it's not just your kids, it's spiritual kids in this place.

So we're going to pray. My time's finished. We're going to pray. And we're going to ask God. And we're going to say, 'Lord, some of us in this place need to say, 'God, I need a seed.' Some of us need to say, 'God, I'm going to seek.' Some of us need to say, 'God, I'm going to make a declaration. I'm going to shout, 'Cause you're going to break the drought. It's going to happen. And I'm putting my trust in you for it. And as we sing, we're going to sing, 'Lead me on, lead me on.' That's our cry. Lead me on, Holy Spirit, lead me on. And as you do that, Lord, I'm going to invite you, if you want to stand to your feet and put your trust in God and say, 'God, this is my declaration.' I'm going to invite you to do that right now as we're going to close in the next minute or so. And then we're going to pray. Now let's do it.


Come all over this place with our eyes closed. You say, 'Lord, I've got a seed, but I need to seek you for it again. I got a seed.' If you don't have a seed, you're going to lift your hand and say, 'Lord, I need a seed from you. Will you speak into my heart and show me from your word the seed you want me to grab a hold of?' Come on, some people, mighty men and women of God. It's time to grab a hold of the seed of his word. For the drought is coming to an end, but he needs you to seek after him and grab a hold of it in faith. So right now, all over this place, Lord, I grab a hold of that. Some of us, it's a promise. Some of it's about our future. Some of it's about our children. Some of us, it's about a breakthrough. It's going to bring in healing. In Jesus' name, whatever it is, Lord, we grab a hold of that seed, and we're going to trust you. We're going to put our faith in you, Lord. We're going to seek you. We're going to shout the victory. We're going to see that storm flow not just in our lives, but our children, our children's children, across our church, across our communities. Oh, Lord, mighty men and women of God, many men and women of faith, do what I pray. And right now, there's people in your life. Some of God's stirring. There's some family members. There's some friends. There's some people God's reminding. The Holy Spirit, I can sense him right now. Will you believe again? Will you say, 'Lord, I'm your vessel. I'm going to believe again for that love with that person to be saved, for that person open their heart to you.' Come on, there's faith in the room. There's faith in the hearts. I want you to grab it and say, 'Yes, Lord, I commit again, Lord, to believing for that person to be safe, for that person to find you, for that person to break through.' Someone's got a child that's in all kinds of turmoil and all kinds of pain, and you've desperately, and but you've had to say just to protect yourself, you've had to say, 'Oh, it's up to them.' And yes, it is up to them, but God's stirring you, say, 'Will you in faith believe for me to break through and heal their life and unwind all the garbage that's happened to them and that they're in and be set free?' So Holy Spirit, right now, we believe in faith that you are going to break through. There's many lives are going to be changed and transformed because of your goodness, because of the faith we have. Lord, we're going to seek you. We're going to shout the victory. There's going to be testimonies that happened because of the good things you do. In Jesus' name, everyone said, 'Amen, amen.' Well, God bless you, church. We love you. Got morning tea, and we'll see you again next week for Presence, God bless.


I see a storm coming Part 1


Frantic or Fulfilled