Baptism Service Dec 2024
Message Moments & Highlights
Water baptism
Ben’s testimony
Mark’s testimony
We are all conquerors
Baptism Service
Baptism is a significant act of faith that symbolizes a believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It represents dying to an old life of sin and being born again into a new life in Christ. This powerful declaration of faith is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the early church, emphasizing its importance in the Christian journey. Personal testimonies from individuals like Ben, Danilo, Christine, and Yousef illustrate the transformative power of baptism. Ben found healing from selfishness and pride, Danilo overcame addiction, Christine committed to her faith journey, and Yousef discovered God's love amidst feelings of worthlessness. These stories remind us that baptism is not just a ritual but a profound step in embracing a new identity in Christ. As believers, we are encouraged to live out our faith daily, support others in their spiritual journey, and reflect on our own relationship with Jesus.
Key Insights From The Message
1. What does "casting your cares upon God" mean?
Question: How can you give your worries to someone you can't see or touch?
Answer: "Casting your cares" means praying to God and trusting Him to handle your problems. We believe God is real and cares deeply about every aspect of our lives. Through prayer, we release our burdens to Him and experience peace, as promised in 1 Peter 5:7.
2. Why do people get water baptized, and why is it important?
Question: Isn’t baptism just a tradition?
Answer: Baptism symbolizes a believer's decision to follow Jesus. It's an outward act showing an inward change—dying to our old life and being raised to a new life in Christ, as described in Romans 6:4. It's also an act of obedience, following Jesus' own example.
3. What is the "presence of God"?
Question: How do you know when God is with you?
Answer: The presence of God is often felt as peace, joy, or a sense of being loved during prayer or worship. We believe God’s Spirit is everywhere, but in moments of focus on Him, we become more aware of His nearness.
4. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what does He do?
Question: Is the Holy Spirit the same as God or Jesus?
Answer: Yes, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. He empowers believers to live holy lives, provides guidance, comforts in difficult times, and enables us to share God’s love with others.
5. Why do people call Jesus the "Son of God"?
Question: Isn’t He just a teacher or prophet?
Answer: Jesus is more than a teacher or prophet. We believe He is God in human form, sent to Earth to save us. His title, "Son of God," reflects His divine nature and His unique role in reconciling humanity to God through His death and resurrection.
6. What does it mean to be "born again"?
Question: Is it a literal rebirth?
Answer: It's not a physical rebirth but a spiritual transformation. When we accept Jesus, we are forgiven, and God gives us a new heart and purpose. It's like starting life over with a clean slate, as explained in John 3:3-7.
7. What is a "testimony"?
Question: Why do people keep talking about their personal stories?
Answer: A testimony is a way of sharing how Jesus has transformed our lives. It’s powerful because it shows God’s real, personal impact and can encourage others to seek Him.
8. What is a "spiritual battle"?
Question: Are you saying there are invisible fights happening?
Answer: A spiritual battle is the struggle between good and evil in our lives and the world. This involves resisting sin and standing against negative influences with God’s help, as Ephesians 6:12 describes.
9. What does it mean to be "sanctified and justified"?
Question: Why use complicated terms like this?
Answer: "Sanctified" means being made holy or set apart for God, and "justified" means being made right with God through Jesus. These are key aspects of the Christian journey: growing in faith and being in right standing with God.
10. Why do Pentecostals emphasize the Holy Spirit so much?
Question: Can’t you just believe in God without all the extras?
Answer: The Holy Spirit is essential to living the Christian life. He empowers us to share our faith, helps us overcome struggles, and gives gifts like prophecy or healing for the benefit of others. Acts 2 shows how the early church relied on the Holy Spirit, and we follow that example.
Cast your cares upon Him: This refers to the idea of entrusting your worries and burdens to God, based on 1 Peter 5:7. Non-Christians might not understand the concept of "casting" worries or how this process works spiritually.
The presence of God: This refers to the sense of God's nearness, often experienced in prayer, worship, or personal moments.
Holy Spirit: Refers to the third person of the Christian Trinity, believed to guide, comfort, and empower believers.
Alpha course: A well-known Christian program designed to explore the basics of the Christian faith.
New creation: This refers to a transformation in a person’s life through faith in Jesus, based on 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Sons and daughters of God: Indicates a personal, familial relationship with God through faith in Jesus.
Testimony: While the word is commonly used in legal or personal storytelling contexts, in Christian usage, it specifically refers to sharing personal experiences of faith and transformation.
Eternal Son of God: Refers to the belief in Jesus as divine and eternal.
Sanctified, justified: "Sanctified" means being made holy or set apart for God, and "justified" refers to being declared righteous by God.
Confession of faith: This is a declaration of belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
More than conquerors: A phrase from Romans 8:37, suggesting that believers, through Jesus, can overcome life’s struggles and challenges.
Lukewarm Christian: Based on Revelation 3:16, this term describes a person who is half-hearted in their faith.
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